Star Wars: One World Religion According To George Lucas
Hating Harry While Endorsing George“Everyone hates Harry Potter.”
Those were the words from an adult who was justifying her praise and adoration for a completely unbiblical, new age epic called “Star Wars” while simultaneously lecturing the world on the evils of witchcraft.
Mind you, witchcraft and the new age are theological twins.
But she felt safe in her endorsement of Star Wars because “a lot of good people, including my pastor, love Star Wars.” Meanwhile, she felt comfortable casting stones at Harry Potter followers because her pastor and church were nearly unanimous in their condemnation of the little Wizard.
Condemning Satan Consistently
Let it be known that this ministry condemns the endorsement of witchcraft and, specifically, the Harry Potter indoctrination. We also condemn the godless, anti-Biblical message of indoctrination found in the George Lucas film series, “Star Wars”. Consistency is very becoming of a believer.
We do not, however, condemn all forms of fiction or fantasy. We thank the Lord for blessing us with Veggie Tales, Focus on the Family’s many animated features (Adventures In Odyssey) and others that we have used in bringing up three little girls and working in youth ministry for 15 years. We also thank God for giving us Frank Peretti, Jannette Oke and the fictional works of Dave Hunt, Tim LaHaye, Jerry Jenkins, Oliver North and others. Imagination is wonderful when it is Biblical.
Nor do we condemn the portrayal of the supernatural in parable form. We believe that Christian authors C.S. Lewis (Chronicles of Narnia) and J.R.R. Tolkien (Lord of the Rings trilogy), among others (Pilgrim’s Progress, etc.), present outstanding forms of godly, useful fictional parables. The message is Biblical in the works of each of these men while good triumphs over evil without the use of or endorsement of blatant witchcraft and/or new age technique and influence.
Let it be clearly stated that George Lucas and his cohorts have purposely attempted to influence and indoctrinate their viewers with an eastern, new age (quasi-Buddhist) belief system. Serious Christians will read the evidence and act accordingly.
Pathway to Apostasy
Lucas was raised in the midst of lukewarm Methodism. The “social gospel” is a bloodless message that teaches the world that Jesus was an “example” to be followed, rather than the Biblical fact that He was Messiah dying as our Substitute to pay for our sins. As an adult, Lucas looked eastward and, being influence greatly by his Mormon friend Gary Kurtz, found commonality in the moral message of all religions. 1
The typical account of the eastern/new age influence upon the making of Star Wars is as follows:
“Lucas eventually came to state that his religion was "Buddhist Methodist." Gary Kurtz, a Latter-day Saint who had studied Comparative Religion extensively in college and on his own, was pivotal in introducing Lucas to Eastern religions (particularly Buddhism) and Native American religion, and discussing with Lucas how best to improve "Star Wars" by giving it a believable but sufficiently universal religious underpinning. Kurtz was the producer of "Star Wars" and "The Empire Strikes Back" and also did some work on the "Star Wars" screenplay.” 2
The account on goes on to explain:
“I wanted a concept of religion based on the premise that there is a God and there is good and evil. I began to distill the essence of all religions into what I thought was a basic idea common to all religions and common to primitive thinking. I wanted to develop something that was nondenominational but still had a kind of religious reality. I believe in God and I believe in right and wrong. I also believe that there are basic tenets which through history have developed into certainties, such as 'thou shalt not kill.' I don't want to hurt other people. 'Do unto others...' is the philosophy that permeates my work." [Source: Ryder Windham. Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Scrapbook. Random House (1999), pg. 11.] 3
The knowledgeable Bible student will recognize that Lucas has bought into the New Age lie. God is not a person but a principle of being. His use of the term “nondenominational” is not to be understood in the sense of not being of one or the other Christian denomination. Rather, he actually means “non-sectarian” and “non-exclusive”. This is the new age lie that would have us believe that all paths lead to God and that Jesus is NOT the only way as He said in John 14:6 and as Peter taught in Acts 4:12.
We are not contending that we know the heart of George Lucas. We can only judge his words and deeds, not his intentions. Nonetheless, you will never hear Lucas refer to the Cross, the empty tomb, eternal life or eternal damnation. His is an innocuous religion bent on human potential, rather than the glorification of the Savior. It is bloodless (Colossians 1:14) and without any cure for “the wages of sin” (Romans 6:23), which is eternal death and separation from God (John 3:6-17).
In an interview referenced by and posted by Time magazine as of the writing of this article, Lucas was pointedly asked about religion by Jess Cagle. The exchange was simple:
“Q: What religion are you?
“A: I was raised Methodist. Now let's say I'm spiritual. It's Marin County. We're all Buddhists up here.” 4
The authenticity of the Buddhist confession of George Lucas is confirmed by Christian and Buddhists alike. For example, the eastern influence of Lucas’ films is included in the Pagan Invasion documentary titled, “East Versus the West.” This production of Jeremiah Films is co-hosted by Chuck Smith and Carol Matriciano. I personally asked apologist and author Dave Hunt (prominently featured in the film) about the Pagan Invasion reference to the new age indoctrination in the Star Wars films written and produced by Lucas. Hunt assured me that his research had confirmed the claims found in the Pagan Invasion documentary. 5
Also confirming the Buddhist credentials of Lucas are the many Buddhist web sites which embrace him as one of their own. We refer you to one clear example at the site hosted by Buddhist Faith Fellowship of Connecticut. One article on the site is titled, “Star Wars and Buddhism.” This paper was published by Eli Williamson-Jones. It was originally a reading. The site states, “This reading was discussed on June 5, 2005.” 6 We can conclude that Lucas has been the center of discussion at Buddhist meetings. They definitely see him as a fellow adherent.
The God of Forces
“May the Force be with you.” The entire storyline of Star Wars is based upon the ability of the “good”, personified in Luke, to defeat the “evil”, personified in Darth Vader. As anyone alive the past decade knows, Luke ends up being the son of Darth Vader. The message is simple: it’s all relative. Darth and Luke are two from the same. It’s the Yin and Yang. Notice how the definition of Yin Yang even makes direct reference to the “forces”:
“In Chinese philosophy, these terms represent the two complementary forces in the universe that together form the basis of everything: yin is female, passive, dark, cold or wet, and negative; yang is masculine, active, bright or light, warm or dry, and positive.” 7
This idea of “forces” being a “God”, denying God’s very real personality and relationship with man, is the real idea behind Humanism and the whole Secularist world view that has engulfed the minds of Americans by and large. One of the most influential men of the 20th century is John Dewey. Thought by many non-Christians to be the greatest American philosopher in our short history, Dewey’s confession of faith sounds eerily similar and demonstrates that the position Lucas holds is pervasive throughout modern American academia. Dewey stated:
“But this idea of God, or of the divine, is also connected with all the natural forces and conditions—including man and human association—that promote the growth of the ideal and that further its realization. We are in the presence neither of ideals completely embodied in existence nor yet of ideals that are mere rootless ideals, fantasies, utopias. For there are forces in nature and society that generate and support the ideals. They are further unified by the action that gives them coherence and solidity. It is this active relation between ideal and actual to which I would give the name "God." I would not insist that the name must be given.” (Emphasis ours.) 8
This is exactly what we find in the Unitarian Universalist movement. A position in total agreement with the Occult, New Age, Buddhist position taken by George Lucas and found in his Star Wars series.
Star Wars presents “the Force” as an impersonal power that is made up of both sides of all that exists. The Bible says that this Buddhist/ New Age God of forces will be the religion of the man who will come upon the scene at the end of time and envelope all world political and religious power into one oligarchy of which he will ascend as supreme ruler (Daniel 11:38—please note that most new translations change “forces” to “fortresses”, thus HIDING the coming religion of “forces” that will be adhered to and promoted by the Antichrist.). He will eventually declare Himself to be God, just before being destroyed (2 Thessalonians 2:4 kjv).
George Lucas is just one of millions who are unwittingly paving the way for this final world religion (2 Thessalonians 2:7-12 kjv).
Star Wars IS the Menace
We will not labor the point. The truth of the matter is obvious to any truth seeker. George Lucas is a decent man, as far as fallen human beings go. But his religion is not Biblical and he has filled his Star Wars film series with Buddhist/ New Age teaching.
And lukewarm Christianity will mock those who point out the obvious in an effort to simply warn the saints of the danger of over-exposure to this kind of indoctrination, especially in the lives and minds of children. But there is a remnant who is on guard. And we must be vigilant, enduring to the end.
Spread the word. Jude 3 (kjv).
— G. A. Miller
1 Please note that the new age leanings of Mormonism and Freemasonry are clearly documented by many former Mormons and Masons, such as Ed Decker of Saints Alive ministries.2 “The Religious Affiliation of Director: George Lucas,” posted: 8-05.
3 Ibid.
5 “Pagan Invasion, The (Volume 4): East Versus West.” Jeremiah Films. Copyright 1991. Copy available for purchase at
7 The Columbia Guide to Standard American English. Copyright © 1993 Columbia University Press.
8 John Dewey, “Faith and It’s Object.” One of many lectures in a series entitled, “A Common Faith.” Posted by Harvard Square Library as a page on the “Notable Unitarian Friends” section. Posted at, as of 8-7-05.
“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
“For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
“For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. “
Romans 10:9-11 kjv